Website highlighting Techdren's goals of providing access to technology to all to further education and empower women.
About Techdren
A non-profit focused on providing access to technology for all in order to further education. Founded by women working in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM), Techdren is passionate about empowering women both in tech fields and out.

Techdren's website feels uninviting; it doesn't reflect the company's personality or create opportunities to highlight all of the different types of activism and work that they do. An overwhelming number of pages with repetitive information and confusing navigation. Frequent user flows led users off of the site in order to complete actions such as donating.

The new website design achieved the following outcomes for Techdren:
1. Create a new look and feel of the site that upholds Techdren's branding
2. Emphasize the importance of Techdren's different programs and allow users to apply for aid and assistance online
3. Have ways to support the non-profit through donations directly on the site
4. Build areas for Techdren's other work and educational programs such as their educational video series "Tuesdays with Techdren." 
Adobe Illustrator
Project Length
6 Weeks
UI / UX Design and Front End Development
Site Map
The simplified site map breaks down the website into a few major sections. 
What We Do highlights Techdren's major campaigns and work.
Get Involved features all the different ways users can join Techdren's mission, with sub-pages like sponsorship and the support a student campaign.
About Us dives into who Techdren is and what they believe in.
Media includes all their digital work"Tuesdays with Techdren," and their press and blog.
Donate is one of the company's biggest end goals, through either monetary or donation of technology that Techdren refurbishes. 
User Interface
Alternate hues of the non-profit's brand colors allow for more accessible design options throughout the site.
Techdren uses a modified icon library with a welcoming and friendly feel. The roundness of the iconography contrasts with Techdren's sharp logo and UI. 
Get to Know and Believe in Techdren
An important part of Techdren's success is the people behind it. As a local non-profit, familiar faces and strong beliefs can be valuable assets. People are more trusting and confident working with a company if they're open and honest. 
Support and Donate
Techdren thrives on monetary and technology donations. Previously, donors were forced off of the site to a third-party webpage to make their donations. Utilizing an on-page donation form keeps users on the site while they make their donation and after the transaction is complete. This encourages them to explore the site further and other ways they can help and support Techdren. 
The donation form includes a description of what each monetary value can do. For instance, $50 refurbished four computers. This provided context gives donors a sense of purpose and direction, making it easier to see the value of their donation. 
The donation page also encourages people to support the non-profit through their time with links to volunteering and fundraising programs such as the 5K fundraiser or donating their old technology.
Register and Apply for Assistance
Techdren's main goal is to connect everyone in need with technology. Users can apply to receive technology and assistance directly online through their different programs, such as the Tech Access Program (TAP). 
Solution Outcomes
The new website design achieved the following outcomes for Techdren:
1. Updated the website's branding to support Techdren's identity and emphasized Techdren's history and importance in the community
2. Created opportunities for users to register and apply for programs
3. Established ways to support the non-profit through donations directly on the site
A compilation of graphic design work made for social media, web, and e-mail. 
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